jeudi 8 septembre 2016

The scientist muslim Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham Basri world

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Ibn al-Haytham described his approach, he said:

((I sought always towards the knowledge and the truth, and believe that I in order to get close to Allaah there is no better than the search for knowledge and truth way.))

Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (354 AH / 965 AD -430 AH / 1040 AD) encyclopedic Muslim scientist has made great contributions to mathematics, optics, physics, anatomy, astronomy, engineering, medicine, ophthalmology, philosophy, psychology and visual perception and science in general, for his experiments conducted by using the scientific method and has published several books and scientific discoveries confirmed by modern science.
Ibn al-Haytham has Corrected some concepts prevailing at that time, depending on the theories Orstoobtlemus and Euclid, proving Ibn al-Haytham the fact that the light comes from objects to the eye, and not vice versa as it was believed at that time, and it attributed the principles of the invention of the camera, which he is the first who explain the eye full autopsy and explained The functions of its members, which first studied the effects of psychological factors for vision. As reported in his book Almnahher the equation of the fourth degree on the reflection of light on the spherical mirrors, it is still known as "Alhazen's problem."
Ibn al-Haytham moved to Cairo, where he lived most of his life, and there is said that his knowledge of mathematics can organize Nile floods. Then, the Fatimid Caliph Hakim ordered him to implement  of those ideas. However, the Ibn al-Haytham shocked by the impossibility of rapid implementation of his ideas, then, he abandoned those ideas, and fearing for his life he claimed the insanity, so the califa forced him to house arrest. Then, Ibn al-Haytham devoted his life to scientific work until his death.

His biography:

Ibn al-Haytham was born in Basra in 354 AH / 965 AD in the period were considered Islamic Golden Age, and historians differed of his whether of his origin Arab or Persian. Ibn al-Haytham began studying science during this period that he spent in Basra, where he read many books of the Islamic faith and scientific books
According to the book tell scientists the news of the wise men of Agafti on the tongue of Ibn al-Haytham: «If I were in Egypt I make something in the Nile pursuant getting the benefit » then, the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim get this saying, and he invited him to Egypt to regulate the flooding of the Nile, and gave him what he wants to do this project, a task which then construction of a dam in current location of Aswan Dam required, after losing the site he realized the futility of this project to the weakness of the possibilities available at that time, fearing the wrath of the Caliph, he claimed insanity, was detained at his home from the year 401 AH / 1011 AD until the death of the ruler in 411 AH / 1021 AD during that period, he wrote his book landscapes months.
Although there are many tales about the escape of Ibn al-Haytham to Syria, then his adventure to move to Baghdad later and was told Basrah where he pretended to insane, but it is certain that he was in Egypt until the year 428 AH / 1038 AD during the period of his stay in Cairo, Ibn al-Haytham has been associated with Mosque of Al-Azhar, which was a MEDIU, after the expiration of his house arrest, he wrote dozens of other theses in physics, astronomy and mathematics.

And then he traveled to Spain, where he had plenty of time to scientific endeavors, which included optics, mathematics, physics, medicine, and do some scientific experiments; and wrote many books on those subjects.

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